Comparison with other form libraries
Vuelidate is the primary point of comparison for Regle. As a long-time user of Vuelidate, I was inspired to create Regle after the project was discontinued.
Both libraries share a similar API and developer experience (DX), including:
- Data-based validation
- Unified reactivity
- Simple declaration
Regle builds upon these features and adds several improvements:
- 100% type safety
- Autocomplete
- Zod support (with more integrations planned)
- Global config
- Improved API in some areas, such as rules declaration,
VeeValidate is primarily focused on being component-centric. It now also offers Composition API helpers.
Its API is less declarative compared to Regle, making it challenging to handle large forms or manage form state within a Pinia store.
While VeeValidate supports typed schemas using libraries like Zod, Yup, or Validbot, this comes at the cost of losing some of VeeValidate's native features. In contrast, when using Zod with Regle, you retain all the features available in the default @regle/rules, ensuring a consistent developer experience.
Formkit is centered around DOM components. Regle is headless and data-driven, so you can work with your state anywhere you want.
Working exclusively with a data-driven model enables stronger type safety and a better developer experience.