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Validation properties

Validation properties are computed values or methods available for every nested rule status, including r$ and regle.

Let's take a look at a simple example to explain the different properties.

<script setup lang='ts'>
import { 
} from '@regle/core';
import {
} from '@regle/rules';
import {
} from 'vue';
: '',
: {
: '',
: '' } });
const {
} =
, {
: {
: {
: {
} })

Computed properties for fields


  • Type: readonly boolean

Indicates whether the field is invalid. It becomes true if any associated rules return false.


  • Type: readonly boolean

True only when the field is dirty and passes validation. Useful for showing UI indicators that the field is valid.


  • Type: readonly boolean

Indicates whether a field has been validated or interacted with by the user at least once. It's typically used to determine if a message should be displayed to the user. You can change this flag manually using the $touch and $reset methods. The $dirty flag is considered true if the current model has been touched or if all its children are dirty.


  • Type: readonly boolean

Similar to $dirty, with one exception. The $anyDirty flag is considered true if given model was touched or any of its children are $anyDirty which means at least one descendant is $dirty.


  • Type: TValue (The current property value type)

A reference to the original validated model. It can be used to bind your form with v-model.


  • Type: TValue (The current property value type)

$value variant that will not "touch" the field and update the value silently, running only the rules, so you can easily swap values without impacting user interaction.


  • Type: readonly boolean

Indicates if any async rule for the field is currently running. Always false for synchronous rules.


  • Type: readonly boolean

Indicates whether the field is ready for submission. Equivalent to !$invalid && !$pending.


  • Type: readonly boolean

Convenience flag to easily decide if a message should be displayed. Equivalent to $dirty && !$pending && $invalid.


  • Type: readonly string[]

Collection of all the error messages, collected for all children properties and nested forms. Only contains errors from properties where $dirty equals true.


  • Type: readonly string[]

Collection of all the error messages, collected for all children properties.


  • Type: readonly string

Return the current key name of the field.

Common methods for fields


  • Type: () => Promise<false | SafeOutput<TState>>

Sets all properties as dirty, triggering all rules. It returns a promise that will either resolve to false or a type safe copy of your form state. Values that had the required rule will be transformed into a non-nullable value (type only).


  • Type: (filterNullishValues = true) => PartialDeep<TState>

Will return a copy of your state with only the fields that are dirty. By default it will filter out nullish values or objects, but you can override it with the first parameter $extractDirtyFields(false).


  • Type: () => void

Marks the field and all nested properties as $dirty.


  • Type: () => void

Resets the $dirty state on all nested properties of a form.


  • Type: () => void

Will reset both your validation state and your form state to their initial values.


  • Type: () => void

Clears the $externalResults state back to an empty object.

Specific properties for fields


  • Type: Record<string, RegleRuleStatus>

This is reactive tree containing all the declared rules of your field. To know more about the rule properties check the rules properties section

Specific properties for nested objects


  • Type: Record<string, RegleStatus | RegleFieldStatus | RegleCollectionStatus>

This represents all the children of your object. You can access any nested child at any depth to get the relevant data you need for your form.

Specific properties for collections

  • Type: Array<string, RegleStatus>


This will store the status of every item in your collection. Each item will be a field you can access, or map on it to display your elements.


Represents the status of the collection itself. You can have validation rules on the array like minLength, this field represents the isolated status of the collection.

Released under the MIT License. Logo by Johannes Lacourly